Dreams of Tomorrow

There are times when not much makes sense even to the most sensible. Gun case was in that same space. Even after years of helping and guiding people/events and thinking nothing of it, he also had his moments of sad reflection. They all believed. They had to believe. If they did not believe in something …

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Dancing with Kinship

The new direction meant many long days sitting in meeting after meeting. Sometimes they were worthwhile and some days it just seemed like it was just enough to get through the day. It was a strange world to him and he would end up wondering where the old forms of leadership had gone to. Did …

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Being Thankful

These are things I am thankful for… A winter count. This is the time of being thankful. Of course there is the whole Columbus Day/Discovery debate that will continue long after I am gone and that’s good. However I am reflecting on My life and things that I am happy about and being thankful for …

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Passing On When Times Change

Time always changes. That is one thing he remembered from Isaugha. “I have lived a good life Mahkookins,” he said.  The changes from the old days to today have been hard to adjust to. I tried my best to be a good grandfather to you and you listened to what Kunshi and I spoke about. …

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To Dad

Eulogy Dad: I usually think of dad in these final years as not just a son speaking to his father but as a man speaking to another man. 10 years ago dad started getting sick and I worried about him. I asked that dad stay for another 10 years so mom could have him and …

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Comes a Man Singing

The storm that came through last night was wilder than he thought. The Thunder beings were in full force and the rain poured for what seemed like hours. Lightning struck the ground all around him and the earth shook. His small camp was drenched and he just laid there in the wet trying to stay …

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My Friend John

It’s only been a few hours since I got “The Call”. “Hello Jesse,… What did you want me to call you for?” “John Fisher was killed last night by a drunk driver. He died instantly” I met John years ago. First at a sweat and then at our Sundances. He is not Native but his …

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Magpie Talks to Me – Lifeways and Warriors

I read a post from one of my many Facebook friends and the subject of warriors came up and the definition of what a warrior is, and what a warrior does. The Magpie came and conversed with me many times recently, and I thought many thoughts that cover a wide range of topics. This one …

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Benny Big Plume and the Universe

I am a Science geek and I am quite proud of that. I studied physics and even more deeply Metaphysics. I would talk to Ben and he would look at me sideways and say: Lee…. you say some pretty weird stuff but you are Ok in my books.He always was nothing but encouraging to me… …

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A Time for Sundance

Hard to think that I have been an active participant at a Sundance for 15 years. Certain that the feelings of humbliness will last for quite a spell there is sadness of sorts that I have once again completed a 4 year cycle of dancing. Sad that there was closure but also relieved about the …

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